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Tips & Tricks

  • Pick as few candy types as possible for your machines, if you use triple heads obviously you need at least 3 but I would not do more than 4 or 5. Keep your inventory down to control your costs
  • Don’t do peanuts, they are expensive and don’t have a good shelf life
  • Only use Mike and Ikes in an air conditioned location and out of direct sunlight. Also another trick to keep them from sticking together is dump in a ziplock and spray light mist and I mean a light mist of non flavored cooking spray on them mix them around. you cant taste a thing
  • Everyone says use gum because it your highest profit. There right! Im always amazed at how well they sell even when kids aren't around.
  • Locate yourself. It’s tempting to just pay someone to do it but no one knows your area like you do. Just go to and search by zip code or location type and grab all the phone numbers and addresses you need. Places are more willing than you might think and if you get a location that so so you didn’t spend $40 to $70 to get it and have it take a year just to pay for itself. There are some very simple scripts out there that guide you through it. 
  • Use a charity! only offer a % to a location if they specifically ask. Ive chose some local charities and use generic charity stickers so no can can get you for using their name. There a fee based national vending charities out there, NCCS is probably the largest
  • Work as close to home as you can. The less time and gas it takes to service your route the more money you make. Start close and work your way out
  • Document everything you do. Track you candy purchases, sales per machine I even track each candy sales separately. All very critical if you ever want to sell your route. I use a spread sheet for each location and keep notes about it. Names, placement of machine, what sells better and what time of year etc.
  • Start with used machines, they are always available at half of what you would buy new
  • Beware of package deals where they offer you machines and locations and show you how each machine can make up to and over $100 a month times 30 machines equals a bunch of bull. Average sale per location is probably like $10 to $15 a month
  • For busy spots supply some little paper dixie cups on top of machine, it sparks opportunity to get multiple vends at a time and keep clean hands
  • Use an ID sticker, identify your machine!  I can tell how many machines I see out without and markings or contact, even product labels for that matter